Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Schedule Processes in HCM

List of process to Schedule in Core HCM Implementation

It is important to schedule the Core HCM Process during and after the implementation for required data updates and synchronize view. Following process you must schedule to meet regular data process need of Core HR.  

Process Name
Update Person Search Keywords
Several attributes of person, employment, and profile records are used as person-search keywords. Keyword values are copied automatically from the originating records to the PER_KEYWORDS table, where they are indexed to improve search performance.
Populating Location Latitude and Longitude Information

Once Geo coding is enabled, you can schedule this feature to run at regular time intervals so that newly created or updated locations are picked up and Geo Coded.

Geography Name Referencing

The GNR (Geography Name Referencing) process validates address elements in location tables, such as HZ_LOCATIONS, against the master geography data.
Refresh Manager Hierarchy

The Refresh Manager Hierarchy process populates the denormalized manager hierarchy table when person records are migrated from other applications. Whenever a change is made to a person's manager hierarchy, the change is reflected automatically in the denormalized manager hierarchy table.

Calculate Seniority Dates

The process calculates the seniority date as per the seniority dates you have setup for person records.
It's easy to tabulate the seniority dates for more than one person when you use the Scheduled Processes work area. You can schedule and run this calculation process for everyone, just select people, an individual employer's workers or for a worker union. You can set some parameters if you want to run the process for multiple people. Simply enter their person numbers (located on their profile in the Person Management work area) and separate each number by a comma.
Points to Remember
-        Don't put any leading or trailing spaces or special characters
-        The format should look like this: Person Number 1, Person Number 2, Person Number 3.
-        To run this process for all persons, don't enter a value that will limit the scope (like selecting a worker union or particular employer)
You'll also see assignment changes by looking at the number days in the past period since you last ran the process.

Update Person Names

When you update a name format, you must run the process so that the application updates the stored names according to the updated format type rules. You can run the process for a specific name format and legislation combination.
Send User Name and Password E-Mail Notifications

You can run the process Send User Name and Password E-Mail Notifications from the Scheduled Processes work area. For users for whom you haven't so far requested an e-mail, this process resets passwords and sends out user names and passwords. The e-mail goes to the primary work e-mail of the user or the user's line manager. You can send the user name and password once only to any user.
Reassign Pending Approvals and Direct Reports
Run the Reassign Pending Approvals for Terminations and Correct Invalid Supervisor Assignments process to reassign the direct reports and any pending approval notifications of a manager who is either terminated or globally transferred. You can manually run the process or schedule it to run automatically at a specific time in the Scheduled Processes work area. The process reassigns the direct reports of a terminated manager to that person's line manager. Similarly, it assigns any pending approval notifications to the line manager.

You can either reallocate pending notifications or skip this step when you run the process. If you choose to reassign pending notifications, then you must specify the number of days to be considered for reassigning the pending approvals.